January 15, 2025

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Stroke Solutions: Teleneurology is a Revolution in Health Technology

4 min read
teleneurology revolution

What is the teleneurology revolution?

The online solutions are provided by specialists for neurological care. Medical attention is offered via video conference, store, and forward feature. Critical neurological conditions like Parkinson’s disease, sclerosis, and epilepsy are also attended to by the specialists through teleconsultation.


Since the arrival of the COVID19, the practice of tele neurological health care services has excessively increased. The overnight transition of the treatment process changed the face of telehealth and telemedicine features.


It was observed that though the teleneurology healthcare service was provided even before the pandemic strike, COVID-19 raised the bar and changed the picture of medical treatment around the globe.


What are the essential key factors of teleneurology?

The important factor observed for the huge expansion of teleneurology health care service is the lack of specialty in neurology departments in many hospitals, especially in the remote areas where the hospital facility has limited services and specialties to offer.


The global telehealth sphere holds great promise in taking care of the less privileged around the world and providing them with the best telehealth services. With proper guidance on the teleneurology applications and training the services are made available in remote rural areas.


The difficulties and challenges of a patient with neurological disorders to reach the medical facility center wasted a lot of valuable time in traveling, this time was easily saved with immediate treatment offered by the tele neurological experts.


For example, extreme conditions like Parkinson’s disease where the patient observes abnormal movements like shivering or flutter, imbalance or coordination problems, and having difficulty in daily life activities. All these difficulties and problems can be solved online via teleconferencing with a specialist.


The basic functionality problems which a Parkinson’s disease patient suffers are very difficult, in such conditions the patient has to pay weekly visits to the hospitals for checkups. This tedious task is saved and easily monitored online through teleneurology applications provided by the hospital facility. With the coordination and consultation with the expert available from any location.


What stroke solutions teleneurology provide?

A heart stroke is the fifth leading cause of the death of Americans, on an average, every 4 minutes in the United States someone is experiencing it for 40 seconds.


The 60 minutes after the stroke are the crucial times where the patient should get the most attentive treatment by providing the thrombolytic medicine, if given on time it proves very beneficial for the patient.


Here arrives the major role of teleneurology, through the telestroke program, a Tissue Plasminogen Activator (tPA) can be assigned to patients immediately which dissolves the blood clot and restores the blood circulation in the body.


The outcome after the tPA treatment via telestroke is quite the same as that of the in-person examinations.


The telestroke program thus can help the tile specialists to attend the hospital and treat more patients via teleneurology.


What are the teleneurology apps for healthcare solutions?


App for the Medical Staff

For the neurological department, nurses, physiotherapists, speech therapists, etc

Scheduling online sessions, appointments, and exams.

Patient management and treatment program, medication, and scheduling physical and speech therapy sessions.

Disease progression tracking and monitoring, post-surgery recovery track programs.

Coordinating and approaching doctors online forum.

AI-based detectors and alerts for any uncertain symptoms.


App for the Patients

Online appointment scheduling with the neurological specialists. Therapy timing scheduling.

Self-monitoring the symptoms or disease progression stage.

Get online help from the 24/7 help desk service, chatbots, and self-help guidance program.

Send and receive text, voice, or video messages to the doctors or healthcare providers regarding any medical emergency or if observed any symptoms of any condition.

Medication intake log and reminders for the record.

Follow up records.

The Advantages of HealthCare ERP Software

What are the teleneurology facilities?

The various models and electronic means of communication are the medium to develop the contact between the patient and the doctor.



A Chatbot is software that gives easy access to the patient-doctor interaction, through personal chat, text messages, notifications, appointment scheduling, reminders, etc.


Video conference

Neurologists can provide direct support from video platforms to the patient. It’s an interactive session where the specialist can examine and guide the patient during illness.

Email consultation

The exchange of medical reports or data about the case can be transferred via email. The email consultations reduce the direct cost and increase productivity.


Smartphones and smartwatches

To measure the ECG with epilepsy patients. With the tremors of Parkinson’s disease and seizures, smartwatches can detect it all.

Patients can detect the biometric data from their personal space and self-monitor their health condition and record the data.


Store and forward

The neurological experts can record the important information or sessions and send the data to relevant patients for guidance and case review study.

Many educational programs or awareness programs are recorded and circulated to various locations.



Teleneurology has proved a very effective method of providing treatment remotely. The chronic conditions of the patients are handled and taken care of. A lot of travel time is saved and immediate attention is provided to the ailing.


The travel cost is reduced, giving some comfort to the patient.


It has reduced the geographical gap between the patient and the specialist. The utilization of teleneurology has grown exceptionally in recent times. It gives doctors more time to attend to and consult more patients due to time refinements.


Teleneurology is widely used for stroke, epilepsy, pediatric neurology, Parkinson’s disease consultancy, mental health, and outpatient consultancy.


However with every revolution there comes limitations and criticism by many institutions fearing the uncertainty of the medical condition, but the positive aspects are widely accepted and have more audience to use the teleneurology features of the telehealthcare units.


To summarise the current status of teleneurology the  successive collaboration of the hospital staff, a specialist, and telehealth centers can together provide amazing results in the treatment methodology. The clear information and processed data help to rectify the problem quickly thus amending immediate actions on the treatment process.