February 8, 2025

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How pursuing Bachelor’s degree is beneficial from Distance Learning?

3 min read

Higher education has different modalities, types of courses and other categories that often confuse those who are preparing to enter college. With that in mind, we have prepared this article to help you understand what a bachelor’s degree is, a higher education level essential for the exercise of some professions!

What is a bachelor’s degree?

The baccalaureate is a higher education that confers a bachelor’s degree. Initially it was a degree awarded to all people who completed high school, but it has changed and currently the bachelor’s degree is awarded to a person who completes a university course.

What are the lecture formats in the bachelor’s degree?

There is still one more aspect that you need to consider if you are going for a bachelor’s degree: the teaching modalities.

  • Presential

The face-to-face course is the most traditional, in which all classes and activities are held in the physical pole of the educational institution.

  • Distance Learning

Distance Learning is a format that has been growing a lot because it allows the flexibility to study online, wherever you want and at the times you prefer.

  • Semi-presential

Those looking for a combination of the models mentioned above can be matched by the semi- presential graduation, which combines online classes and face-to-face meetings.

Who can take the bachelor’s degree?

There is no distinction as to who may or may not pursue a bachelor’s degree. Just like any higher education course, you must have completed high school. Just make sure that the training you want to take exists in a bachelor’s degree format.

Why you need distance learning?

Time saving

LPU Distance education BA saves time as it can be accessed anywhere, anytime, resulting in cost savings. The additional time generally spent on face-to-face training can be immediately redirected into business tasks and operations.

Reduction of the ecological footprint

The environment benefits too. Distance learning reduces our carbon footprint by replacing physical printed materials and traveling for training.

Greater reach.  

Distance learning enables a large, geographically dispersed audience by being available 24/7, while providing exciting opportunities to personalize the learning experience.

Cost savings

Having the content online means saving operating costs. Distance learning eliminates the expenses associated with face-to-face training, such as travel, trainers, venue rental, and printed materials.

Improvement of pedagogy.

Distance learning strategies improve student engagement and increase retention. The variety of online learning tools available today makes it easy to cater to different learning styles.

In an objective way, we can understand distance learning as an education structure managed and executed under a virtual learning environment, either on a platform or in an application, for example.

Therefore, this methodology involves much more than just the distance between teachers and students. LPU Distance education BA also represents the automation and optimization of many learning processes, facilitating the user experience with practicality and flexibility.

Distance learning opens up some interesting possibilities, such as:

  • Flexibility in the student’s routine;
  • Ease of access and management;
  • Individualized learning trails;
  • Engagement of participants;
  • Interaction between users; between others.