May 18, 2024

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What Is An Endpoint?

4 min read

An endpoint is Endpoint security that connects to networks or other applications. Common endpoint devices include:

  • Laptops
  • Tablets
  • Mobile devices
  • Desktops
  • Wearable’s
  • Servers
  • Printers
  • ATM machines

While the most commonly used devices include laptops, desktops tablets and phones, it’s the Internet of Things (IoT) is taking off in the workplace. Smart devices, be they refrigerators or routers, are beneficial tools to manage appliances across the premises of an organization. But, IoT devices are notoriously vulnerable because they don’t require a password for access. If an attacker compromises an IoT device which is located on the corporate network, the attacker can possibly gain access to employee devices and sensitive information.


Endpoint security is now more and more common technology security task and is a major is a growing concern for employees as more participate in Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) guidelines and the demand for IoT is growing. Additionally, more workers work from home following the COVID-19 pandemic has shifted more of workers into partially or completely remote job positions.

The security perimeter of an enterprise network boundary is highly vulnerable to attack. Here are a few ways in which an attacker can penetrate an endpoint

  • IoT devices that aren’t secure with passwords and connect to corporate networks
  • BYOD policies for employees, which do not always differentiate workplace and personal applications from one another, in the process exposing personal the data
  • Access to Wi-Fi networks that are Wi-Fi networks that are public Wi-Fi networks, or even Wi-Fi networks at home.
  • Links that are malicious, such as those sent in emails that are phishing, and can download malware onto devices after clicking. Certain types of malware may transfer between devices within the same network
  • Downloadable files from websites that allow for the spread of malware
  • Stolen credentials. Although threat actors are able to gain access to logins through viewing the passwords written down, they may also access internet sessions remotely via the man in-the middle attack as well as the use of credential-stuffed passwords

In many ways data is by far the most valuable asset companies have. Losing that data or to share it with an intruder puts the company at risk. As hackers discover new methods to get access to information, steal data or manipulate employees into sharing sensitive information endpoint security has become an essential part of enterprise security.


The most complete types of security for endpoints include the endpoint detection and reaction (EDR). EDR solutions provide companies with the ability to centralize their monitoring of endpoints, stopping attacks prior to spreading and responding to issues in the event of an incident.

Another solution for security on the endpoint that is called Endpoint Protection Platforms (EPP) helps stop malware that is based on files, identify and block malicious activities from applications, and then respond to security events and alerts. The EPP is a solely focused on prevention, and the use of an EPP tool on its own may suffice to minimize the threat of security breaches. It’s important to mention that many EDR tools now have EPP features.

EDR solutions stand out because they concentrate on not only reducing the impact of attacks, but also the detection of suspicious activity and stopping threats from occurring. Effective EDR solutions should analyze and collect huge amounts of data from devices in order to accurately and consistently identify anomalies and possible cyber attacks.


Comprehensive EDR providers implement the security features listed below:

  • Data loss prevention. DLP software keeps track of stored data to ensure its security when it’s in storage. DLP technology includes security measures like encryption and automated alerts which alert you to a violation of a company policy or.
  • Vulnerability management. These programs seek out weaknesses in computer networks and systems. Applications that are practical include scanning, patching the systems and reporting vulnerabilities to senior executives.
  • Patching. One aspect of vulnerability management is patching. It is an update procedure to code that has vulnerability.
  • Application white listing. A program that is white listed means that every file is considered as an individual piece of information which means it is blocked from running in the event of infection or compromised.
  • Access and identity administration. IAM restricts access to applications and data within an organization as breaches and data loss typically result from unauthorized users or those who are not granted the right credentials.
  • The classification of information as well as safeguarding. Classification can help businesses organize their data, which is helpful for forecasting and analytics.
  • Account management with privileged access. To safeguard information, security systems use access controls for accounts with privileged access which are usually owned by executive or any other user who have access to sensitive information.
  • VPN. Virtual private networks form tunnels between the endpoint and the network, in order to prevent anyone from viewing and interfere with their internet connection.
  • Endpoint encryption. Encrypting the sessions of endpoint devices encrypts data into cipher text that other viewers cannot observe. Endpoint encryption software protects data in storage (in the storage) as well as data that are in motion (being transferred between devices).


The Endpoint detection and Response providers cover security for endpoints threats, threat detection, as well as data analytics. They can also provide threat intelligence as well as intrusion prevention capabilities. Some of the top providers include:

  • Crowd Strike
  • Check Point
  • Palo Alto
  • Bit defender Gravity Zone
  • Trend Micro
  • McAfee
  • Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection
  • Sophos
  • Symantec
  • Webroot Business Endpoint Protection