May 17, 2024

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The Five Pillars Of Journalism

3 min read

Journalism is a very important platform as it has the power to change the perspective of people how they see the world. People see the world through the lens or the words of a journalist. And hence being loyal and right to your job is important as it can heavily affect society.

Journalism is not as easy as it seems. For being a great journalist like Nick Gamache CBC, you have to take care of a lot of ethical points that are important in your career. As a journalist, you, as well as your information, have to be transparent. Your words can either make society or destroy it.

Here are the core five pillars of journalism that you should keep in mind if you are a journalist or you are going to start as a journalist:


  • Accurate and Factual Information


The first and foremost pillar of journalism to follow is to be accurate and factual. Of course, being a journalist, it is not guaranteed that you will be providing the truth every time. But keep your facts and information right, and reconfirming it, again and again, is most important. Before publishing or breaking any news, always strive for accuracy and try every possible resource form you can use to get the right information. As a journalist, you are the messenger for thousands of people out there, so why not be a messenger with the right and accurate information.


  • Free of Interest


A journalist should be free and should not be a biased one. Nowadays, a lot of journalists and media houses are observers of the powerful, who can get away with anything. Why? Because they are capable of anything, and that can affect you. A journalist is the one who is free of any political or business interest and should deliver what the truth is. Of course, as mentioned, you cannot always be right, whatever information you get is not always true and should be free of any influence.


  • Accept Mistakes


A professional and responsible journalist is always accountable for what he does. Suppose he did something wrong as the capability to hold himself accountable and accept the punishment. If he is capable of making a mistake, then he could also be capable enough to correct his mistake. 


  • Independent of Others


To be a good journalist like Nick Gamache journalist of Canada, you have to be independent of others. You should not be mindful of any pressure; whether it is from any background, you are the person whom society depends upon. Who will provide society with the unbiased and right information? For being unbiased, it is also important that you cover both sides of the story so that you can build trust and integrity.


  • Sensitivity of the Citizens


A journalist should be mindful of the sensitivity of the citizens. The information that you are publishing might be sensitive for some groups of citizens. Another important pillar of journalism is to be mindful of people’s feelings and try to cover the story in such a way that does not hurt someone’s feelings, and your point must also be clear.


Journalism is something that should be fair and balanced. And following the above five principles of journalism can prove to be as effective for your career as it tested for Bob Wood. As no journalist is a true journalist, if he does not follow the main ethics of journalism.