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E-Mail Marketing: The 5 Metrics That Count

5 min read
best email marketing

Having a successful business means being in step with the times (anticipating them would mean being able to make a mine of money), being contemporary and constantly falling into the social fabric and the reference market.

Knowing trends, evolutions and changes is vital for the longevity of a brand , for this reason ignoring the contemporary and changing needs of the target audience brings with it risky damage.

Here, for some time in our country companies, organizations and brands have underestimated or neglected the revolutionary digital innovation that is characterizing modern times, ending up adapting to it late and, in many cases, still not being aware of the need for change.

Fortunately, in recent times, we have witnessed a, albeit slow, turnaround: investments in Digital Marketing continue to grow and the positive trend is reconfirmed from year to year.

Bots, automation software, content marketing , videos, online advertising, social networks, e-mail marketing are just some of the most innovative tools that brands now have available to plan their marketing and communication strategies , to encourage sales, to win new customers and be able to retain those already acquired.

Among these, I want to focus on e-mail marketing, which has been decreed for a long time and yet still so alive.

Why invest in Email Marketing?

The ‘ e-mail marketing is a strategy often overlooked, yet able to provide important results in many situations. As early as 2015, the Data & Marketing Association published research stating that for every dollar invested (strategically) in email marketing, companies were able to get a ROI of $ 38.

So why invest in email marketing?

  • Economic investment, if well planned and strategically implemented, can lead to important returns;
  • Email is a valuable communication tool to reach customers and potential customers with personalized and relevant messages, capable of stimulating and promoting conversions when buying;
  • Email is an important loyalty tool, which allows you to establish a direct and long-lasting relationship with potential customers and current customers;
  • Email Marketing Automation (EMA) and their software allow you to keep track of user behavior on the web, the actions they perform on the pages of a website and to follow the evolution of their tastes and needs.
  • But, for e-mail marketing to work, it is necessary to be able to count on a precise strategy, to be modified and improved according to the data analyzed.

And precisely data analysis is a very important phase of the investment, as it allows you to understand how to modify your plans and achieve increasingly effective results. But what are the metrics that really matter?

E-mail Marketing: the 5 metrics that count

There are many metrics that we can take into consideration to evaluate the progress of our email marketing campaigns, but here I will focus on the indispensable ones, on those that are really fundamental for your strategy.

1. Unique Opens, the Unique Open Rate

The Unique Openings Rate indicates the total number of users who have opened your email at least once and which differs from the total number of openings, a metric that instead also includes multiple email openings by the same reader.

The Unique Openings Rate is calculated by dividing the unique openings by the number of emails delivered.

2. Deliverability

Deliverability measures the ability to deliver e-mails sent correctly, for example without ending up in spam. The deliverability, therefore, tells you what percentage of e-mail actually arrives in the mailboxes of your customers and potential ones and is calculated by dividing the emails delivered by the emails sent.

If the percentage of deliverability is high, it means that you are doing a good job, otherwise you have to understand what is not working properly and act (for example, do you use words that risk ending your emails in spam?).

3. Open Rate, the Opening Rate

Does your content attract the attention of the people you turn to? Is the subject of your email convincing?

The Open Rate can help you understand this. This is the metric that measures the percentage of openness of your emails and is calculated by dividing the unique openings by the emails received.

The Open Rate tells you how often your emails are open and, probably, read by your target audience and, therefore, if and how effective the message you are conveying is.

4. Click through Rate, the Click Rate

The Click through Rate is the percentage of clicks on the link that your email has registered. The percentage of Click through Rate is calculated by dividing the number of unique clicks by the number of unique emails open and it is a clear signal of how high the probability is that a reader / potential customer will perform the action you want to perform.

If the percentage of Click through Rate is low, it means that something is not working. What to do to improve the Click through Rate?

  • Offer an (even more) advantageous reason to convince the reader to take the action;
  • Improve the message communicated;
  • Make copy more effective;
  • Work more clearly and incisively on the CTAs, the Call to Action, or the calls to action, those expressions that clearly communicate to the reader what to do.

5. Disengagement Rate, the Abandonment Rate

The Abandonment Rate is a metric that tells you the percentage of people who have not loved your email. The Disengagement Rate is calculated by dividing the sum of complaints received and canceled subscriptions by single openings.

A low abandonment rate is natural and physiological, since not everyone will be able to appreciate your emails, but a high disengagement rate is an indication of a wrong strategy or content inconsistent with readers’ expectations or a non-engaging copy or insufficiency interesting levers for your customers.

Email Marketing: conclusions

What do you think of these 5 metrics? Are they the same ones you value in your email marketing strategy?

Author Bio:

Robert Y. Ramirez belongs to the finance department and he is working with a well-known company where he supports to Get Tech Licence Abu Dhabi. He also writes articles on a different niche to share his experience with the world.

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