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Tips to Maximize Warehouse Storage Capacity

3 min read
Maximize Warehouse Storage Capacity

An efficient warehouse is ideal for customer satisfaction as it ensures fast and accurate inventory access. 

Are you looking to have the best warehouse storage system? Here are the ways to get the most out of the available storage space.

  • Use a warehouse inventory management system. 

One of the easiest to get more out of your storage space is to use a warehouse management system. By having effective inventory management, you get to understand the state of all the inventory. You don’t have to waste any space holding on to obsolete products. The system allocates the available storage space based on unit dimensions and sales volume to ensure every available space is well utilized. 

Invest in a modern inventory management system that you can integrate with your other business processes. The system can notify suppliers of reduced stock. Hence they can bring them in without missing anything. You also won’t have an oversupply that will need more space.

  • Use the right packaging. 

How you package your store items determines how effectively you utilize the available storage space. Invest in a sturdy package to allow to stack several items to utilize the horizontal space. Also, pay attention to the items that come pre-packaged. Most of these items tend to come in large containers when there is not so much inside. Reduce the space taken up by the large package by repackaging the item into a fitting space. 

The other way to reclaim space through packaging is by using bulk bags for your packaging. The bulk bags allows for stacking and can also be reused or repurposed for more space. 

  • Clean up the floor 

The state of the warehouse floor is essential for both a racking system and floor stacking storage. The floor is the most accessible place in the warehouse. When cluttered, it will eat up some space as the room appears smaller. 

Remove debris from the floor that might be taking up valuable storage space. Sort out all the unused equipment and pallets lying on the floor. Assess their condition and determine whether they can be repurposed or you need to get rid of them. Ensure only the necessary inventory stays in the storage space. 

  • Optimize labor efficiency 

The other way to get the most out of your storage facility is to streamline operations. Make it easy to access the various items as needed. Analyze the various items’ usage frequencies to help you come up with a working system. 

Store the regularly used items near the entrance for efficient picking. Also, keep the frequently sold together items near each other. By putting these items together, you eliminate the picking constraints. Invest in a selective racking system in Malaysia to help you sort and store the items depending on usage or nature. 

In conclusion 

Utilizing the available storage space is ideal for saving you money. It costs way less to invest in a working storage system than looking for a new space. Make use of every available space, keep the floors clean, and use enabling technology. 

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