May 3, 2024

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3 Tips To Help Kids Wear Face Masks During Covid-19

2 min read

As coronavirus disease continues to spread, it’s important to take preventive measures to stay protected, such as wearing a face mask, frequently washing hands, and practicing social distancing. The most important precaution everyone should take is wearing a face mask in public, especially in situations where social distancing is difficult to maintain.

Parents are worried about how to protect their children from coronavirus and may seem like a challenge for them how to make their kids wear masks, especially when they are refusing to wear masks. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended children 2 years and older should wear a cloth face mask or 3-ply disposable mask, when they are in public and around people outside their home. Children under the age of 2 should not wear a mask because of the risk of suffocation.

Here, we have listed some tips to help children wear face masks during coronavirus outbreaks:

1. Explain To Your Child Why Wearing A Face Mask Is Important

Explain to your child that doctors and nurses advised everyone to wear masks to protect themselves and others from COVID-19.

Masks are not scary; wearing masks can protect us and others from germs. You can explain why it is important to wear a mask by giving them some toys or chocolates. Tell them that they cannot go out if they do not wear masks.

2. Provide Printed and Colorful Mask Options

As face masks become more common, it’s getting easier to find kid-friendly patterns and options. Look for cloth masks that featured the color or character that your child likes. You can tell your child to choose a design of their favorite color or pattern. If possible, you should have different mask options for your child, so they can decide which mask they want to wear that day. Whenever you look for kid-friendly mask options, make sure you choose a cloth face covering that is easily washable and sized for your child’s age. You can also buy KN95 respirator masks for your children if they feel comfortable with that mask.

3. Practice Wearing a Mask

Before bringing your child out in public in a mask, practice putting on the mask and wearing it for short periods at your home. First, help your children practice putting a mask on a doll or an animal at home. Then, teach them how to put a mask on their own face and take it off – all by themselves.

The CDC recommends your children wear non-medical or fabric masks. Whatever mask you buy for your children, make sure that you have bought the right size and it sufficiently covers your child’s nose, mouth and chin. You can buy N95 masks, KN95 standard mask, 3-play disposable masks, Clothing masks, and other protective gear online.

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