February 22, 2025

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Best Features Of Node Js And Improvements

6 min read

Time is flying by. Node has launched its version 10, and it’s coming by the codename “Dubnium”. It’s been more than 7 years since Node was released and now it’s the 7th major release for them. Let’s take a look at the new features in Node 10. Also, what they’ve removed from their latest release!

Node has updated its stable version of 10.1.0 and consequently that the latest unleash line with active LTS (Long term Support at present v8.11.2) Support for LTS will start in October 2018 and will last for three years. The releases in the Support line are targeted at performance security, stability, expanded support and provide the most reliable platform for any application of any size.

Node 10 is a Node 10, with features, and enhancements

Improved HTTP and HTTP/2 included in node

HTTP/2 is more efficient than the older version HTTP. Its implementation HTTP/2 is available within Node.js v8.4.0(LTS) in the form of an associate degree feature that is experimental. With Node version 10, Hypertext Transfer Protocol 2 modules have been made an integral part of Node’s core. Node core for web applications and Web Platform.

The process of loading a website is extremely demanding, since hypertext transfer protocol can only support one request per protocol However, HTTP/2 supports queries multiplexing, which allows for simultaneous requests which speeds up the process of providing web-based content and other content. Google providing a boost in ranking for websites that load fast. By using HTTP/2 your website should load faster than the previous hypertext transfer protocol. This means that your site will get higher ranking on search engine result pages, which makes it SEO-friendly.

What’s included in HTTP/2?

  • Multiplexing
  • Single Connection
  • Server Push
  • Prioritization
  • Header Compression

The overall trend is for HTTP/2 to begin to slow down as the application becomes more of reliable and robust. The aim is to get it from the realm of experimentation as soon as possible in the year 2018.

N-API is no more being used for experimental purposes.

It provides the Associate in Nursing API that allows developers to create native add-ons. If JavaScript performance isn’t enough to giving a performance enhancement to the codebase, we made use of Node.JS Add-ons to provide Associate in Nursing as an Interface between JavaScript that runs inside Node.js and C/Clibraries written in ++. This interface will be used to create dynamically linked object shared in C++ that we can import into an Node.js application by using the require() function. Add-ons function the same way as Node.js modules, but they provide an increase in performance for difficult to compute applications that were previously needed.

The objective is to protect Addons to ensure they’re compatible for all version of Node.js modules that have been compiled for a particular version can be run on subsequent versions without requiring recompilation. So, they’ve added to the Appliance Binary Interface (ABI) stable module Genus Apis (N-API) to be an Associate in Nursing formally supported API layer.ABI is a similar to API. When you create an ASCII text files that you can connect to the library using the Associate in Nursing API. When the code is built it is able to access data in the library via the ABI. The ABI specifies the structure and methods that your application that has been compiled may use to connect to the library (just as API did). API did) but only on an upper level. If the application is accessing a particular library, and the library has been updated in the future and you want to avoid having to have to re-compile that application. If the library that has been updated uses the same ABI the application won’t require amendment.N-API is a way to add ABI security to Node.js aids module maintainers and production deployments.

Performance enhancements with Engine V8 Engine v6.6

Node.js Version 8 has been upgraded to version 6.6 in Node.js 10 with warranted for forward ABI compatible with the version half-dozen.7. It is included with Chrome sixty-six, and gives an improvement of 20-40% for the time for each analysis and compilation of JavaScript.Promise and async/await execution has significantly improved which has resulted in Hapi V17 achieving an increase of 30% in output.

We can expect Node.js Version 10 to generate huge revenue within this market, which also includes Async generators and enhancements to the performance of arrays. The performance of Array#reduce is up by over 10 times for double arrays that are porous. Its performance was also improved. Async generators when combined with Async repetitions was greatly enhanced.

Change up to OpenSSL Version 1.1.1

The conclusion of TLS one.3 specification which is a huge leap in the safety of online applications the OpenSSL team has released one.1.1 (Beta four ) in the last week of May, and the primary feature will be TLS one.3 assistance. Node.js10 is the initial release that incorporates OpenSSL one.x allows for a basic API as well as an ABI stable update as soon as OpenSSL one.1.1 is released. Recent work done by OpenSSL as well as Core Infrastructure Core Infrastructure created it potential for Node.js 10 to gain the benefits from OpenSSL along with the ChaCha20 cipher and the Polu1305 critic.

NPM v6 is available immediately

Node ten has updated its NPM from v5.7 to v6.0. This significant upgrade in NPM gives a degree of improvement in on all the areas mentioned as well as the principal focus on security, performance and stability. This gives a major performance improvements over previous version of NPM. The security sorting process is constantly improving to third-party NPM module (not directly integrated into Node ten or the Node ten or Node eleven unharness lines). A lot of information on NPM version 6.

ESM Modules in Node v10

The issue is that two module systems don’t work together. Modules Team had to seek the correct resolution, therefore JavaScript modules could be created on a platform that could be used within Node or browsers. You can work around this by using the pattern of modules, but it’s not very practical.

With the introduction of bundlers as well as ECMAScript Modules, this problem can be alleviated, but it is not completely solved. Node.js has always had its own module system, but ECMAScript vi has brought a unified modules system into JavaScript. The module system of Node is called CommonJS.Best suited to the Node environment and only If you attempt to make CommonJS application in a browser, you’ll see a lot of warnings in the development tools.

Error-Handling Improvements

The only reason for an error that was matched in Node was in try-catch statements to determine the error message. However, users can only be able to match the error message when they have handled errors in this method. Prior to that, any modifications to the text due to an error needed to be delayed until the server’s major release which means that error corrections were not possible until the subsequent main version of Node.js launched. Node.js major versions are released every six months.

With Node ten they will require additional error codes because every error thrown from Node.js APIs Node.js APIs will be reflected in error codes that will be accessible to humans. To begin with We don’t have the matching of error message, as we did in the previous versions of Node.

Experimental Fs-promises

Nodejs v10 is available with an associate degree version of the Fs package with guarantees.Node.js v8 has introduced util.promisify to wrap functions to provide an API to request. Currently, developers can use the fs package with promises type Apis directly and efficiently with no additional step.

New JavaScript Language Features

New JavaScript features for the language are included in node.js version 10.

1. Function.prototype.toString()

This method gives exact fragments of text that contain comments and whitespace.

2. The function trimLeft() and trimRight() becomes aliases for the newly implemented String.prototype.trimStart() and String.prototype.trimEnd() to ensure backward compatibility

3. The catch-clause of try statements no longer needs the use of a parameter.

APIs are no longer supported in Node 10

1. Utilizing requires() to connect to a variety of Node.js own dependencies internally will result in an indication of a runtime deprecation.

2. Use of the tls.convertNPNProtocols() method will emit a runtime deprecation warning.

3. The Async_hooks APIs that were previously deprecated are now at the end of their life and are removed.4. The previously deprecated internal setters and getters are now available on the internet. The server is at its end of life and was removed.