April 26, 2024

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How To Reinstall Your Air Cooler In The Starting of Summer

3 min read
Air Cooler

As you are about to turn the pages of the calendar for the warmer month, it is time to pack your heater and woolens. When you have to turn on the fan, start to prepare to reinstall the air cooler as well. The wrath of summer rarely takes time to spread its wings to the farthest corner of India.

To get some relief, an air cooler is the most affordable, user-friendly and eco-friendly appliance after fan. Once you pay for the Air Cooler Price, it is your responsibility to properly maintain it to get optimum service.

During the winter months, most of us, uninstall the air cooler and pack it as it would not be in use. At the starting of the summer, you have to unpack and reinstall it in a proper way to ensure maximum efficiency.

Why you need proper maintenance of the air cooler?

The maintenance of the air cooler is a very important factor as it will make it disinfected and clean. This appliance will circulate air that we breathe and in case there are any bacteria or germs, the scope of falling sick is quite high. The efficiency of the machine is another reason behind the requirements of maintenance. You need to check the condition of individual parts and do the necessary to keep those in the optimum standard.

Another important reason for this step is the extended life of the machine. If you do all the required steps of proper maintenance during reinstall, you should not have to invest in Air Cooler Price once again.

What are the steps to reinstall the air cooler?

To get fresh and clean air, you have to know how to properly reinstall the appliance for maximum efficiency. When the mercury level is reaching a higher level, you have to start your preparation by following the below stated steps to install the air cooler without any professional help.

-> Remove the cover: When not in use for a longer time, the air cooler should be covered by the external weatherproof covers to protect it from dust and dirt. In case, there is a build-up of dust on the parts and especially on those pads, it will be hazardous both for the machine and the health of the residents. So, the first step to reinstall the air cooler is removing the cover.

-> Filer Pad Cleaning: The main factor for better coolness denotes the condition of the filer pads. If those pads are clean and free of any dust, then the air will be fresh and clean. On the other hand, it is the nature of the pads to accumulate dirt and mites. So, before starting the air cooler, you have to clean the filer pads thoroughly with a water hose. 

-> Clean the water chamber: You have to check and clean the water chamber of the air cooler for leakage and dust build-up. You have to make sure that it is sparkling clean before you start the operation. In case, you have a metal chamber, then it will be better to coat the surface with waterproof color to avoid the problems like rust.

-> Refit the Machine: After all the maintenance work, you have to refit it properly to start the operation. For that, attach the filler pads, close all the drainage hole, plug in the power inlet socket, fill the chamber with water and switch on the air cooler. 

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