April 24, 2024

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Using Pet CPR to Save Your Four-Legged Canine Friend

2 min read

CPR is known as cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. It’s an emergency treatment that will save your dog’s life if they unexpectedly stop breathing or their hearts suddenly stop pounding. CPR is a mixture of chest compression and respiration. When a dog stops breathing, the body’s oxygen intake decreases, which may lead to liver failure, kidney failure, or brain damage.Brain damage typically happens within 3-4 minutes of respiratory failure, so it is important to administer CPR in such a sensitive condition. Read on to learn what you need to know about dog CPR and how to potentially save your life.

Check forBreathing andaHeartbeat

Check to see if your dog is breathing and check for a heartbeat. If you don’t see your pet’s chest move and you can’t find a heartbeat, start CPR with chest compression.

Position Your Pet Correctly

While humans are positioned on their backs for CPR, animals usually need to be situated on their sides for chest compression to be adequately performed. Animals have deeper chest cavities than humans, so this placement makes it easier to hit the heart.

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Begin Compressions

• Hold their elbows straight, force down the rib cage in firm, quick compressions. Just compress 1/4 to 1/3 of the width of the chest.

• Repeat the compression at a high rate of 15 per 10 seconds.

Using the thumb and fingertips to compress the chest to around 1/4 to 1/3 of its diameter for smaller dogs. Repeat this at a much faster rate than for bigger dogs, aiming for 17 compressions in 10 seconds.

Give Rescue Breaths

Gently shut the mouth of your pet and stretch the neck to clear the airway. Cover the nose of your pet with your lips and exhale until you see their chest rise. Then offer a second breath of rescue.


Continue CPR or artificial respiration until the dog continues to breathe on its own and regains a steady heartbeat. If the dog does not breathe after 20 minutes, it is time to consider discontinuing treatment, as it is doubtful that you will be successful after this stage.

After Your Pet Revives

If your CPR efforts have been successful in rejuvenating your dog, emergency treatment is not over. This medical operation may be very physically painful, and you could unintentionally have caused fractured or broken ribs, bruising, broken lungs, or other injury when you revived your dog. As soon as your pet has recovered, obtain emergency medical services to determine the health of your pet and to search for any other fractures or complications.

Knowing how to perform a pet CPR will save your dog’s life. Make sure you understand how to perform the treatment correctly and properly with your dog, and you and your furry buddy would one day be grateful you learned it.

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